Free support for 1 year after project completion including:
The typical phases* for completing a project are:
* these can vary slightly depending on the type of the project
Introductory online meeting.
We assess the needs of the client and the project requirements.
Customized proposal.
We organize the data into a detailed summary, including costs and timelines.
Proposal presentation.
Online meeting to clarify any questions,
so that the proposal can be fully understood by the client.
Proposal validation by client.
Agreement on the payment milestones and signing the contract.
Start project.
Choose and purchase your preferred package from our Services & Prices page.
Introductory online meeting.
We assess the needs of the client and the project requirements.
Proposal presentation.
Online meeting to clarify any questions,
so that the proposal can be fully understood by the client.
Proposal validation by client.
As agreed with the client:
Start project.